Collaborating with the best Web3 projects, tokens, and cryptocurrencies:

Partnering with Nestoris significantly boosted our order book depths and investor confidence.

Nestoris's unique Algos and market strategies are tailor-made to meet our specific business goals.

If you need a reliable market maker that supports your project at every phase, choose Nestoris.

Nestoris's market liquidity solutions were transformative, enhancing our token value and driving financial growth.

Nestoris expertly tailored their strategies to support our gaming goals, enhancing player satisfaction and economic stability.

Nestoris's deep market insights and customized solutions make them an invaluable partner in the crypto space.

Experience the nestoris difference

Nestoris delivers unparalleled Web3 market-making services that provide clients with increased market visibility, improved liquidity, better market positioning, and long-term sustainable growth. Combined with our CEO's entrepreneurial insight and our CTO's two decades of expertise in data science leadership, we offer you tailored strategies and top-tier execution, with profit sharing.

At Nestoris, we position ourselves not as adversaries but as allies on the financial playing field, ensuring that our innovative market-making strategies lead to mutual success.

  • No Upfront Capital Required

    Establish a loan agreement where we borrow the tokens but bring our own capital.

  • Cost-Effective

    We offer a profit sharing model with no retainer fees, ensuring alignment with your success.

  • Personalized Strategies

    Nestoris crafts personalized, expert-backed market-making strategies, ensuring your vision for growth is met with our commitment to shared success.

  • Partner with us
- Process -

Partnering with Nestoris

Begin your journey with Nestoris by scheduling a comprehensive consultation.


During this session, our CEO or another senior leader will delve into your company’s specific needs, challenges, and ambitions.


Our team, will conduct a deep dive into your market landscape. We’ll analyze the current status, potential growth paths, and key leverage points.


You will receive a customized proposal outlining the strategic approach Nestoris will take to address your market making needs, including expected outcomes and timelines.


With continuous monitoring, Nestoris will regularly report on performance metrics, making adjustments as needed to enhance outcomes and adapt to any market changes.

- services -



Nestoris provides relentless market surveillance to identify trends, opportunities, and potential risks. This includes macroeconomic factors, industry-specific news, and micro-market movements.


You'll have access to our team for personalized advisory sessions, ensuring you're well-informed and your strategies remain on the cutting edge.


Leverage our advanced algorithmic strategies that are developed and refined by our experienced data scientists, customized to support your market positioning.


Our services are not static; we continually optimize your market-making strategies using the latest data and technological tools for peak performance.

- Who we are -


Nestoris delivers unparalleled Web3 market-making services, bringing clients increased market visibility, improved liquidity, better market positioning, and long-term sustainable growth.

We lead with authority and insight, offering bespoke solutions that align with our partners' visions. Our selective approach guarantees an alliance with those who value integrity and excellence as we do, fostering a marketplace where every participant thrives.

- FAQ -

Frequently asked questions

  • How is Nestoris's approach to market making different from others?

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    At Nestoris, we go beyond traditional market-making methods by initiating token loan agreements supported by our own funds, thus committing fully to the efficacy of our strategies. This distinctive partnership model fosters incentive alignment through profit-sharing, all while harnessing our extensive market knowledge.

  • What benefits does partnering with Nestoris offer me?

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    Our partnership means you will receive tailored market-making strategies that focus on long-term sustainable growth. With Nestoris, you benefit from complete transparency, continuous innovation, and a shared dedication to success.

  • How can I be sure that Nestoris delivers real results?

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    The success of our clients speaks volumes. We offer a rich tapestry of client success stories, testimonials, and empirical, data-driven results that showcase the impact we’ve made in the market.

  • What might be holding me back from partnering with Nestoris?

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    We understand that hesitations can arise, which is why we offer a no-retainer partnership and an educational approach that empowers you with comprehensive market knowledge to make informed decisions confidently.

  • What issues are there with traditional market making that Nestoris addresses?

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    Traditional market making often lacks transparency and alignment with client success. Nestoris confronts these issues head-on with aligned interests and transparent practices that place your success at the forefront of our operations.

  • Why should I consider market making services now?

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    The financial markets are constantly evolving, presenting new challenges and opportunities. Nestoris provides innovative strategies and cutting-edge insights, ensuring you stay competitive and can capitalize on market movements.

  • Why should I trust Nestoris?

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    Trust is foundational to our operations. It is cultivated through our consistent demonstration of integrity, extensive industry expertise, and an unwavering commitment to the success of our partners.

  • Can you explain how Nestoris's process works?

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    Our process is a collaborative effort, starting with a detailed consultation and leading to developing and implementing a market-making strategy that is closely aligned with your unique market goals.

  • How do I begin my partnership with Nestoris?

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    Starting your journey with Nestoris is simple. Contact us through our website; we will guide you through a smooth and comprehensive onboarding process.

  • What do I have to lose by partnering with Nestoris?

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    With no initial retainer fees and our success tied to yours, your partnership with Nestoris is designed to be a low-risk venture with the potential for high rewards.